understanding overwhelm

Understanding Overwhelm: The First Step to Calm and Control

by Megan Zirger

This article is one of four articles in the mini-series “Finding Balance in a Busy World: Overcoming Overwhelm” to help you navigate this feeling and develop effective strategies for managing stress, enhancing productivity, and achieving a healthier work-life balance.

Feeling Swamped? Let’s Talk Overwhelm

We’ve all been there – the mounting tasks, looming deadlines, and the feeling that 24 hours in a day just aren’t enough. Welcome to the world of overwhelm. But what exactly is it? Overwhelm isn’t just a busy schedule. It’s that feeling of being buried under a mountain of responsibilities, unable to catch a breath. It’s not just about having a lot on your plate; it’s about how that full plate makes you feel.

The Deeper Impact of Overwhelm 

When overwhelm arrives, it rarely comes alone. It brings stress, anxiety, and a nagging feeling of helplessness along with it. This uninvited trio does more than take your day off course; they can seriously mess with your work mojo. Overwhelm can cloud your judgment, make you snap at colleagues, or have you staring at your computer screen. It’s like these feelings create a fog that gets in the way of your usual focus and efficiency.

And it’s not just mental; the effects of overwhelm can be physical too. You might notice your heart racing or a tight feeling in your chest – these are your body’s ways of waving a red flag, alerting you to the high levels of stress you might be under.

Identifying Your Overwhelm Triggers

Identifying what triggers your overwhelm is a key first step in managing it. This requires introspection and self-awareness. For some, it could be a never-ending to-do list, while for others, it might be back-to-back meetings. We all have our own thresholds and triggers. If you are having trouble getting to the bottom of what is causing the overwhelm it may be helpful to write things down or talk to someone about it.

Wrapping Up and What’s Next

Understanding overwhelm is a bit like switching on a light in a dark room. It doesn’t make the room smaller, but it does help you find your way around. In the following article in this mini series, we’ll delve into 7 top practical strategies to manage overwhelm. Stay tuned for all of our upcoming posts in the series where we’ll share tips and techniques to help you manage overwhelm more effectively and regain your focus both at home and at work. 

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