I probably shouldn’t say this as a coach, but I’m over new year resolutions. I’ve heard so many the past month that I can’t help but ask “Why?” Not out of judgment, but out of curiosity. Usually, the response is related to not achieving some goal in 2021 and “this year will be different.”
Will it really be different? What’s different about 2022 than 2021? For all of you making your new year resolutions and setting your personal goals, please pause and think about what you will do different this year than last year. 2022 is yours for the taking if you are truly ready to take it.
This year, ask yourself “Why is this goal important? What will it bring? How will it impact me and those important to me?”
Is there a noticeable difference from not achieving last year’s resolution? If not, then perhaps it wasn’t relevant or important enough. This year, ask yourself “Why is this goal important? What will it bring? How will it impact me and those important to me?” Simon Sinek’s book “Start With Why” gets to the crux of what inspires people to action. Understand your goal’s purpose first, whether it’s a personal goal or professional goal. You’ll be more motivated to follow through.
If not achieving last year’s goal impacted your life, then what got in the way? Yes, COVID at a macro level affected everyone; however, it’s likely other derailers impeded your journey. What were those derailers? Were those derailers within your control or could you have been better prepared for it with a bit a planning? Be honest with yourself and dig deep. Let go of your ego to consider if you got in your own way. How can you use this knowledge to be better prepared for hurdles and detours this year?
What makes this year’s resolution realistic? Envisioning yourself achieving it isn’t enough to manifest it. I believe in manifestations, but I also believe in proactively making things happen for you. What needs to happen for you to achieve this goal? Do you need more knowledge? Access? Help? Time? Define what success looks and feels like. Think through the critical factors needed to achieve your goals and put a plan together. Also, realize that you don’t have to start today. Consider the best time to start and set realistic time frames based on when resources be available.
So, what will be different for you this time around? I hope it’s your mindset. You’re way too smart to be in your own way to making 2022 your year.
This story is a series from the Coaches Corner – short stories, tips, and ideas from the bCOACHED coaches who got your back. Click here to read more stories from the Coaches Corner.
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