
Overcoming Laziness: Time Management Coaching for Productivity

Delving Deep into Procrastination: Uncovering Its Core Causes

Procrastination isn’t merely about laziness. Instead, it’s a complex behavioural pattern deeply rooted in our psyche. To genuinely overcome it and pave the way for improved productivity, one must delve deep into its origins and the motives behind it.

The Psychology Behind Procrastination

  • The Fear Factor:
    At its heart, procrastination often comes from a profound fear. This fear can take many shapes—be it the fear of failure, the fear of judgement, or even the fear of success. It isn’t just about an unwillingness to initiate a task; it’s more about the anxiety and dread linked with possible adverse outcomes. If there’s fear of the outcome, a prevailing thought might be, “Why bother starting?”
  • Perfectionism Paralysis:
    On the opposite end of the fear spectrum is the relentless pursuit of perfection. Some individuals delay or dodge tasks because they’re waiting for the perfect circumstances or the ideal result. They feel that if they can’t do it perfectly, it’s preferable not to do it. This black-or-white mentality can lead to a paralysis, causing endless procrastination.
  • Decisional Procrastination:
    At times, procrastination emerges merely out of indecision. The inability to make a choice, be it initiating a task, selecting a direction, or making a decision, can lead to a stalling tactic. Overanalysing and overthinking become significant impediments.

Environmental and External Triggers

  • Distractions Everywhere:
    The modern world brims with distractions, from smartphones incessantly pinging with notifications to the allure of bingeworthy TV series. These diversions make beginning or concentrating on a task feel monumentally challenging.
  • Task Aversion:
    Some tasks are inherently less appealing than others. Whether they’re tedious, challenging, or simply dull, these tasks become easy to sideline. Yet, shirking these tasks only means they cast a larger shadow with time.
  • Lack of Clear Direction:
    Often, people dilly-dally on tasks simply because they’re unsure of the starting point. When a task doesn’t come with clear instructions or the end goal appears nebulous, it can lead to hesitancy. This ambiguity can result in feelings of being overwhelmed, making procrastination an attractive escape route.

The Impact of Mental and Emotional States

  • Low Self-Efficacy:
    Self-efficacy relates to one’s belief in their capabilities to meet objectives. If there’s a lack of self-belief, procrastination becomes a natural outcome. The mindset shifts to, “I probably can’t manage it, so why even attempt?”
  • Mood and Energy Levels:
    Our mental and physical states significantly influence our tendency to procrastinate. When one’s spirits are low or energy levels dip, the drive to take on tasks dwindles.
  • Seeking Immediate Gratification:
    Humans have an innate desire to seek pleasure and shun discomfort. So, when faced with an instantly gratifying activity (like watching a favourite film) versus a task that offers long-term benefits (like finishing a project), the former usually wins.

By understanding procrastination’s multifaceted nature, it becomes easier to combat it. Identifying both internal and external triggers can lead to strategies that effectively counter them. With the appropriate tools and mindset, transcending the grip of procrastination and moving towards heightened productivity becomes a tangible reality.

Unlocking Productivity: The bCOACHED Roadmap to Enhanced Efficiency

The bCOACHED roadmap isn’t just about prescribing methods; it’s about instilling a transformative mindset. If productivity was solely about methods, everyone would have cracked the code. The unique approach pivots on tailored strategies, blending with individual inclinations to make productivity enhancements organic and sustainable.

Mindset Makeover: Establishing the Right Foundations

  • The Power of Belief:
    An essential first step in this productivity journey involves fostering a genuine belief in one’s ability. Recognising that you can indeed become more productive sets the stage for positive behavioural changes. Plus, with self-belief, you’re more likely to stick to new routines and strategies.
  • Understanding Priorities:
    Amidst myriad tasks and responsibilities, identifying what genuinely matters can make a massive difference. It’s not just about doing more but doing what’s genuinely impactful.
  • Learning to Say No:
    In this age of endless opportunities, the ability to decline is underrated. By consciously choosing tasks that align with your goals, you reduce unnecessary burdens and focus on what truly propels you forward.

Tactical Productivity: Practical Approaches and Techniques

  • The Pomodoro Technique:
    This tried-and-tested method involves working in bursts, usually 25 minutes long, followed by a short break. By working in these sprints, your mind remains fresh, and tasks get executed with vigour.
  • Batching Tasks:
    Grouping similar tasks and handling them in a single timeframe eliminates the mental load of constantly switching gears. Whether it’s emails, meetings, or brainstorming, handle them in dedicated batches.
  • Leveraging Technology:
    In today’s digital age, countless apps and tools can significantly streamline workflows. Tools like Trello for task management, Focus@Will for concentration-enhancing music, or RescueTime for tracking online activity, can prove invaluable.

Maintaining Momentum: Ensuring Sustained Productivity

  • Regular Reflections:
    By periodically reviewing your productivity patterns, you can identify what’s working and what needs recalibration. This introspection keeps strategies relevant.
  • Embracing Flexibility:
    Productivity isn’t about rigid adherence. Life is unpredictable, and the ability to adapt strategies based on current circumstances ensures that productivity doesn’t nosedive during unforeseen events.
  • Community and Accountability:
    Surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals or finding an accountability partner can work wonders. When you know someone’s watching, the likelihood of adhering to your productivity commitments goes up manifold.

With the bCOACHED blueprint, boosting productivity becomes more than just a goal. It transforms into a lifestyle, where each day brings a fresh opportunity to do more, achieve more, and be more. Remember, the journey towards increased efficiency isn’t a sprint; it’s a marathon, and having the right strategies ensures you don’t merely finish but thrive.

Mastering Accountability and Rewards: Navigating the Path to Self-discipline

Harnessing accountability and integrating rewards is often the unsung hero in one’s productivity journey. While skills, tools, and strategies play their part, the mental fortitude gained from holding oneself accountable, combined with the motivation stemming from rewards, creates a potent formula for consistent productivity.

Accountability: The Cornerstone of Commitment

  • The Power of Personal Responsibility: When individuals take ownership of their tasks and goals, they often find a renewed sense of purpose. This responsibility drives a desire to perform, not out of obligation, but a genuine aspiration to see the task to completion.
  • Accountability Partners: Sharing goals with a trusted individual can magnify commitment levels. This partner can be a friend, family member, or colleague. Their primary role is to remind you of your goals, especially when motivation wanes.
  • Public Commitments: When goals are declared publicly, say on social media or a community group, the stakes rise. The thought of public perception and the fear of public failure can be powerful motivators.

Rewards: The Fuel of Motivation

  • Short-term vs. Long-term Rewards: While it’s tempting to reward oneself with immediate pleasures, sometimes the more substantial, long-term rewards are more fulfilling. For example, instead of indulging in a dessert after a task, perhaps saving for a more significant treat like a holiday can be more motivating.
  • Tangible vs. Intangible Rewards: Not all rewards need to be material. Sometimes, intangible rewards like a day off, time spent on a hobby, or just some quiet meditation can be equally rejuvenating.
  • The Balancing Act: It’s crucial to ensure that the reward matches the effort. Over-rewarding for minor tasks or under-rewarding for significant achievements can undermine the system’s effectiveness. Find a balance that feels just right and keeps you motivated.

Tracking Progress and Celebrating Milestones

  • The Role of Journals and Apps: Utilising tools to track progress can serve as a visual representation of one’s journey. When you see how far you’ve come, it becomes a motivational boost to keep going.
  • Celebrating Small Wins: It’s not just the big milestones that matter. Celebrating small achievements can serve as frequent, motivational pit stops in the marathon of achieving larger goals.

Remember, mastering the art of accountability and weaving in the right rewards can be transformative. It’s not just about getting things done but relishing the journey with a balanced blend of discipline and indulgence. It makes the journey enjoyable and the destination all the more rewarding.


We at bCoached are on a mission to help teams and organizations thrive. We aim to help teams and individuals increase performance, strive for balance, and foster an inclusive workplace. We believe whether your place of work is in the office, at home, or on the road, you should have access to practical development resources when you want them, and how you want them.

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