
Lessons from “12 Rules for Life”: Book Coaching for Personal Growth

In today’s dynamic world, personal growth remains paramount, and literature provides a trove of wisdom to aid this journey. “12 Rules for Life” by Jordan Peterson stands out, offering insights that, when paired with the coaching expertise of bCOACHED, create a transformative roadmap for holistic development. Through this fusion, we explore the essence of embracing responsibility, authentic communication, and cultivating relationships that enrich our lives.

Harnessing Personal Responsibility: Achieving Equilibrium Amidst Life’s Turmoil

In the intricate dance of life, where unpredictability meets expectation, achieving a sense of balance becomes paramount. Jordan Peterson’s “12 Rules for Life” sheds light on this theme, suggesting that the onus is on the individual to find equilibrium. By weaving these lessons with the specialized coaching techniques of bCOACHED, one can find clarity amidst life’s many uncertainties.

Understanding Our Place: Lobster Hierarchy and Self-Reflection

The world operates in hierarchies. However, realizing one’s position within this structure can be both challenging and enlightening. Peterson’s metaphor of the lobster elucidates this concept.

  • The Nature of Hierarchies: Every society, every structure, has its hierarchy. These are not merely constructs of power but intricate systems that dictate behaviour, response, and even self-worth. Recognizing this can be the first step in understanding one’s place within these systems.
  • Lobsters and Dominance: Why lobsters? These crustaceans have been around for millions of years and have dominance hierarchies strikingly similar to ours. When a lobster wins a fight, its brain chemistry changes, making it more confident. Humans are not too different. Our perceptions of our own successes and failures directly impact our psyche.
  • bCOACHED’s Approach: While the book provides the theoretical foundation, bCOACHED’s coaching sessions delve deeper. By facilitating introspective sessions, they aid individuals in recognizing their strengths and areas of growth, ensuring that they are better equipped to navigate their professional hierarchies.

Internal Equilibrium: The Art of Self-Compassion

In a world that constantly pushes individuals to their limits, self-compassion becomes an essential skill.

  • The Need for Self-compassion: It isn’t merely about being lenient with oneself but understanding that perfection is a myth. Every individual has their struggles, and recognizing this can pave the way for healthier self-interactions.
  • Peterson’s Viewpoint: In “12 Rules for Life”, the emphasis on self-worth and internal validation is significant. By being kind to oneself, an individual can navigate life’s challenges with a clearer mind and a calmer heart.
  • bCOACHED’s Role: Through their tailored sessions, bCOACHED provides tools and techniques for individuals to cultivate self-compassion. This doesn’t just aid in personal growth but also improves interpersonal interactions.

Weathering the Storm: Strategies to Navigate Life’s Hurdles

Life is synonymous with challenges. However, it’s not the absence of these challenges, but the ability to overcome them that defines growth.

  • Anticipating Hurdles: No challenge comes without a warning. By staying vigilant and prepared, one can anticipate and even mitigate these hurdles.
  • Peterson’s Wisdom: The book is replete with lessons on facing challenges head-on, emphasizing the need for personal responsibility. It’s not the world’s job to cater to an individual, but the individual’s role to adapt to the world.
  • bCOACHED’s Expertise: The company’s coaching sessions are designed to arm individuals with actionable strategies. Whether it’s a professional hurdle or a personal one, their guidance ensures that individuals are not just prepared, but are also equipped to overcome these challenges with grace.

Genuine Connections: Engaging with Transparency and Precision

Navigating our hyperconnected world calls for communication that’s not just effective, but also genuine. “12 Rules for Life” brings forth the value of truthful interactions, stating that authenticity forms the bedrock of strong relationships. Pairing this with bCOACHED’s strategies gives us a holistic view on how to cultivate such meaningful conversations.

Decoding Authenticity: Unveiling the True Self

Authenticity is a term often thrown around, but what does it mean to truly be authentic, especially in our interactions?

  • The Essence of Authenticity: Authenticity is about being genuine, not just with others but with oneself. It’s about aligning one’s external expressions with internal feelings and beliefs.
  • Peterson’s Perspective: Jordan Peterson in “12 Rules for Life accentuates the significance of speaking the truth or, at least, not lying. This subtle difference underscores that while it’s challenging to always speak absolute truths due to our limited perspectives, it’s imperative not to intentionally deceive.
  • bCOACHED’s Contribution: Through their intensive coaching sessions, bCOACHED helps individuals unearth their authentic selves. The process is transformative. When one communicates from a place of authenticity, interactions become more transparent and productive.”

Precision in Communication: Why Clarity Matters

The beauty of language is in its precision. Conveying thoughts clearly can mitigate misunderstandings and enhance connection.

  • The Art of Being Precise: Precision is not just about using the right words but ensuring the message aligns with the intent. It’s about eliminating ambiguity.
  • Learning from Peterson: “12 Rules for Life” delves into the importance of precise speech. Peterson advocates that being precise can help alleviate unnecessary burdens, as clear communication paves the way for problem-solving.
  • bCOACHED’s Techniques: In their coaching modules, bCOACHED lays emphasis on clear communication. By employing various tools and exercises, they train individuals to articulate their thoughts effectively, ensuring messages are received as intended.

Facing Communication Hurdles: Overcoming Barriers with Honesty

Honesty, as they say, is the best policy. But when faced with difficult conversations, how does one maintain this candour?

  • The Challenge of Honesty: It’s easier to be honest during pleasant interactions. The real test is maintaining this transparency during tougher times, when evasion seems simpler.
  • Peterson’s Insight: The book elucidates that sidestepping a difficult truth today can lead to amplified challenges tomorrow. Hence, confronting issues head-on, with honesty, can often avert bigger crises.
  • bCOACHED’s Role: Through role-playing and real-life scenarios, bCOACHED equips individuals to handle difficult conversations with grace. The emphasis is on being candid yet empathetic, ensuring the essence of the message is conveyed without unnecessary hurt.

Building Deep Bonds: Charting the Course of Connection and Inclusion

In our rapidly changing world, the importance of forming substantial, fulfilling relationships remains constant. “12 Rules for Life” underscores the significance of connection and belonging. By combining these insights with bCOACHED’s methods, we gain a robust roadmap for nurturing such relationships.

The Foundation of Connection: Bridging the Gap

Before we can build strong relationships, understanding the nature and depth of connection is crucial.

  • Grasping Connection: At its core, connection is a deep bond formed between individuals, transcending mere acquaintance or familiarity. It’s about resonance, understanding, and mutual respect.
  • Peterson’s Insight: Jordan Peterson, in “12 Rules for Life”, sheds light on the profound human need to connect. He emphasises that relationships thrive when based on trust, understanding, and mutual respect.
  • bCOACHED’s Strategy: Through their coaching framework, bCOACHED assists individuals in establishing genuine connections, both professionally and personally. Their sessions focus on effective communication, active listening, and the ability to understand and respect differing perspectives.

Building Deep Bonds: Charting the Course of Connection and Inclusion

In our rapidly changing world, the importance of forming substantial, fulfilling relationships remains constant. “12 Rules for Life” underscores the significance of connection and belonging. By combining these insights with bCOACHED’s methods, we gain a robust roadmap for nurturing such relationships.

The Foundation of Connection: Bridging the Gap

Before we can build strong relationships, understanding the nature and depth of connection is crucial.

  • Grasping Connection: At its core, connection is a deep bond formed between individuals, transcending mere acquaintance or familiarity. It’s about resonance, understanding, and mutual respect.
  • Peterson’s Insight: Jordan Peterson, in “12 Rules for Life”, sheds light on the profound human need to connect. He emphasises that relationships thrive when based on trust, understanding, and mutual respect.
  • bCOACHED’s Strategy: Through their coaching framework, bCOACHED assists individuals in establishing genuine connections, both professionally and personally. Their sessions focus on effective communication, active listening, and the ability to understand and respect differing perspectives.

The Essence of Belonging: More than Just Being Together

Merely being in a group doesn’t signify belonging. True belonging stems from being understood, accepted, and valued.

  • Understanding Belonging: It is the emotional attachment we feel when we know we’re truly ‘home’. It’s not about being part of a crowd but being part of a community where one’s presence matters.
  • Learning from Peterson: “12 Rules for Life” delves deep into the human quest for belonging. Peterson posits that belonging isn’t about being in a majority but about being in a meaningful relationship where one feels seen and heard.
  • bCOACHED’s Approach: bCOACHED’s coaching techniques aid individuals in finding their ‘tribe’. Through various exercises and discussions, they guide people to form relationships where they not only fit in but also belong.

Harnessing Connection & Belonging: Towards a Fulfilling Existence

The synergy of connection and belonging paves the way for a fulfilling life. How can one tap into this synergy for personal and professional growth?

  • The Power Duo: Connection provides the stability and foundation, while belonging offers emotional richness, making life truly rewarding.
  • Peterson’s Wisdom: In his book, Peterson articulates how connections, when combined with a sense of belonging, result in profound contentment and fulfilment.
  • bCOACHED’s Contribution: Through their tailored programmes, bCOACHED equips individuals with the tools to forge bonds that are both deep and meaningful. They focus on interpersonal skills, empathy, and mutual respect to help individuals nurture such relationships.


The intertwining of Jordan Peterson’s profound insights from “12 Rules for Life” with the tailored coaching methods of bCOACHED illuminates the path to self-improvement and growth. Embracing responsibility empowers us amidst life’s chaos. Honest interactions foster trust, whilst cultivating deep bonds promotes true belonging. Together, they craft a formula not just for personal growth but for a life of purpose, meaning, and fulfilment.


We at bCoached are on a mission to help teams and organizations thrive. We aim to help teams and individuals increase performance, strive for balance, and foster an inclusive workplace. We believe whether your place of work is in the office, at home, or on the road, you should have access to practical development resources when you want them, and how you want them.

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